Friday, August 5, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Connor's Movie Review
Movie Title:    Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Released:   August 2011
Movie Rating:  PG-13
Star Rating: ««««

Movie Summary:
‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’, a prequel to the first ‘Planet of the Apes’ movie, tells the story of how it all began!  Will Stanton is a kind-hearted research scientist in San Francisco whose strong persistence to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease leads him to experiment on apes.  He finds a chance for a cure in one ape, who’s intelligence increased dramatically after being experimented on.  When she dies, Will raises her son, a tiny chimp named Caesar.  As he grows up, Caesar’s intelligence rates rise and he begins to question whether to stay with Will and his family, or return to his true home in the wild.  Caesar learns of the terrible treatment of apes and chimps in the city.  This causes him to free all the primates and lead them on a revolution against the humans.

“Rise of the Planet of the Apes” is an action-packed, suspenseful, and often emotional movie.  Personally, I found it a lot better and much more interesting than the original “Planet of the Apes” movie.  The motion-capture CG animation of Caesar and the apes is amazing.  The movie strongly explains that we cannot and must not try to play God’s role in ruling the world, but always let Him be in control of the world, for there is nothing that He cannot do.    

Go “Ape” and head to the theater to see “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”!

Enjoy the Movie!  Save Some Popcorn For Me!
The Movie Critic, Connor