Monday, October 10, 2011


Connor's Movie Review
Movie Title:    Hugo
Released:   October 2011
Movie Rating:  PG
Star Rating: ««««     

Movie Summary:
Setting in 1930’s Paris, this movie tells the story of a young orphan boy named Hugo who lives with his father, an inventor and clockmaker.  He and his father are working on an automaton (a robot figure), that can draw and write.  But tragically, his father dies before finishing the project, leaving Hugo alone.  Skip several years later, and Hugo is living as an orphan, fixing the clocks of a busy train station.  He is doing his best to survive on his own and stay out of the grasp of the sinister station inspector.   Hugo believes that his father left him a message that only the automaton can reveal, and so he sets off to unlock the secret.  Hugo soon finds a friend, named Isabelle, who helps him in his quest. Together they set off to solve the mystery, while they unwittingly make influences on everyone around them during their adventures, including Isabelle’s godfather, an aging former director. 

I saw this movie in 3D, and I would highly recommend it.  I think ‘Hugo’ is a very interesting and imaginative movie, though it runs a tad bit long.  Otherwise, ‘Hugo’ is a family-friendly, good movie!       
Don’t waste your ‘time’ on a bad movie, get to the theater and see “Hugo”!

Enjoy the Movie!  Save Some Popcorn For Me!
The Movie Critic, Connor

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